Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011) download free movie

 Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011)

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011), A wealthy sheikh (Amr Waked) has a dream: to bring salmon fishing -- a soulful, deliberate sport he learned to appreciate in the peace and quiet of Scotland -- to his native Yemen. To realize his vision, he asks a consultant, Harriet Chetwode-Talbot (Emily Blunt), to recruit Britain's top fishing expert, Dr. Alfred Jones (Ewan McGregor), on his behalf. Unfortunately, Dr. Jones thinks it's a folly, and then some. But then the prime minister's press secretary (Kristin Scott Thomas) decides that the project could bring the government some much-needed feel-good press, especially given the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, and the good doctor soon finds himself without a choice but to see the sheik's dream to fruition.

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011) movie information

Director: Lasse Hallström
Writers: Simon Beaufoy, Paul Torday (novel)
Stars: Ewan McGregor, Emily Blunt and Amr Waked
Genres: Comedy | Drama | Romance
Country: UK
Language: English
Release Date: 9 March 2012 (Lithuania)

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Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011) movie storyline

A visionary sheik believes his passion for the peaceful pastime of salmon fishing can enrich the lives of his people, and he dreams of bringing the sport to the not so fish-friendly desert. Willing to spare no expense, he instructs his representative to turn the dream into reality, an extraordinary feat that will require the involvement of Britain's leading fisheries expert who happens to think the project both absurd and unachievable. That is, until the Prime Minister's overzealous press secretary latches on to it as a 'good will' story. Now, this unlikely team will put it all on the line and embark on an upstream journey of faith and fish to prove the impossible, possible. 

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is a quirky romance with a mish-mash of themes that includes love, international relations, faith, war, marital infidelity, and fishing. Overall the movie has a genteel feel, and though there's some salty language (including "ass," "bastard, and one use of "f--k"), it's not excessive. Expect some kissing and a couple of love scenes that imply sex, though there's no graphic nudity. There's also some social drinking and smoking, and use of a gun by an attempted assassin.


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