Peace, Love, & Misunderstanding (2011) free downlload mp4 movie

 Peace, Love, & Misunderstanding (2011)

Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding is an indie dramedy about clashing values between a straightlaced New York lawyer (Catherine Keener) and her aging-hippie mother (Jane Fonda). The movie finds laughs in their conflict and seeks heart in their attempts to find common ground. There's occasional swearing (including "s--t"), some flirting and kissing, a few quick shots of nude men from behind, drinking, and smoking. But the biggest issue for most parents is likely to be the movie's drug use; almost everyone smokes pot, even the high school student. The movie makes light of Fonda's character's dope habit, even when she's arrested for dealing, in an effort to contrast her free-spirited lifestyle with that of her regimented 

Peace, Love, & Misunderstanding (2011) movie information

Director: Bruce Beresford
Writers: Joseph Muszynski, Christina Mengert
Stars: Jane Fonda, Catherine Keener and Elizabeth Olsen
Genres: Comedy | Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 14 September 2012 (Brazil)

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Peace, Love, & Misunderstanding (2011) movie storyline

When her husband asks for a divorce, high-strung lawyer Diane (Catherine Keener) retreats to upstate New York to visit her mom, dragging her college-student daughter, Zoe (Elizabeth Olsen), and high-school son, Jake (Nat Wolff), along. The kids are excited, since they've never met their mysterious grandmother, Grace, an aging hippie who lives in Woodstock (naturally), smokes pot with abandon, practices free love, and encourages everyone around her to do whatever feels right. Grace, played with zest by Jane Fonda, is a dynamo who sweeps the kids into her orbit and encourages her daughter to let loose just a little. But the conflict between their lifestyles is just as sharp as it was at Diane's wedding, when an unfortunate marijuana-related incident led to a rift that's lasted for decades.

PEACE, LOVE, AND MISUNDERSTANDING is all about culture clash, and it wastes little time trying to create a realistic reason to throw together the stiff lawyer and the flower-child grandma. There's not much more to it. Keener's Grace is underwritten, and it's never really explained why she's so uptight, while Fonda takes over every scene using every possible hippie stereotype. She protests, drives a VW Bug, practices free love, howls at the full moon (for real), and smokes pot. Lots of pot. How can they possibly find common ground?

In movies like this, it's traditional for both sides to give a little. But although Diane learns to let loose (a bit), Grace doesn't temper her behavior, even when her choices have some unsurprising blowback. In a subplot, Zoe, a strident vegan, is attracted to the local butcher (Chace Crawford) but can't get over the fact that he cuts up animal flesh for a living. She, like her mother, learns to be more accepting and becomes a better person for it. But the obvious moral -- and the cliches that make it so predictable -- make for a weak film in which a valuable lesson is reduced to convention

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