Trishna (2011) mp4 movies free download

Trishna (2011)

Trishna (Freida Pinto) is the eldest daughter of a poor Indian family. While dancing one night, she meets Jay (Riz Ahmed), the son of a wealthy hotel man. He offers her a job in a hotel, which she desperately needs, since a traffic accident has left her father bedridden. Trishna becomes Jay's lover, but because of social pressures, Jay is forced to keep their relationship a secret. Eventually the relationship becomes unhealthy and quasi-abusive, and Trishna is forced to make a tough decision.


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Trishna 2011 movie information

Director: Michael Winterbottom
Writer: Thomas Hardy (novel) (Tess of the d'Urbervilles)
Stars: Freida Pinto, Riz Ahmed and Anurag Kashyap
Genres: Drama
Country: UK
Language: English
Release Date: 9 March 2012 (Ireland

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Trishna (2011) movie storyline

Trishna is a 2011 British drama film directed by Michael Winterbottom, starring Freida Pinto and Riz Ahmed. The story is an adaptation of Thomas Hardy's novel Tess of the d'Urbervilles. It is Winterbottom's third Hardy adaptation, after Jude and The Claim. It was shot in Jaipur and Mumbai, India, in early 2011.[1] It premiered at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival on September 9.

Based on Thomas Hardy's classic novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles, 'Trishna' tells the story of one woman whose life is destroyed by a combination of love and circumstances. Set in contemporary Rajasthan, Trishna (Freida Pinto) meets a wealthy young British businessman Jay Singh (Riz Ahmed) who has come to India to work in his father's hotel business. After an accident destroys her father's Jeep, Trishna goes to work for Jay, and they fall in love. But despite their feelings for each other, they cannot escape the conflicting pressures of a rural society which is changing rapidly through industrialisation, urbanisation and, above all, education. Trishna's tragedy is that she is torn between the traditions of her family life and the dreams and ambitions that her education has given her.

Now Enjoy Trishna 2011


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