Sexual Malice 1994 full free download sexual movie

Sexual Malice 1994

Directed by Jag Mundhra, and written by Carl Austin and Jag Mundhra, Sexual Maliceis  1994 is a 1994 Thriller film , starring Edward Albert, Chad McQueen, John Laughlin, Diana Barton, Samantha Phillips and Don Swayze.

Sexual Malice 1994 movie information

Director: Jag Mundhra
Writers: Carl Austin, Jag Mundhra (story)
Stars: Edward Albert, Chad McQueen and John Laughlin |
Genres: Thriller
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 1994 (Germany)

Sexual Malice 1994 movie sroryline

Unsatisfied by her boring marriage, Christine begins an affair with a seductive, mysterious stranger named Quinn. But they get carried away with their passion, when lust becomes obsession ... and murder.She has appeared in several movies such as Love Potion (1987), Deceit (1989), Phantasm II (1988), Angel 4: Undercover (1993), Sexual Malice (1994) and Fallen Angel (1997), Weekend at Bernie's II (1993), Spy Hard (1996) and Rescue Me (1993) and the N.Y. Independent Film Festival award winner Just for the Time Being (2000) among other films. Phillips is also the producer of the Busty Cops series of movies (Busty Cops 1, Busty Cops 2, Alabama Jones and The Busty Crusade,Busty Cops Protect and Serve), and starred in Showtime's Hot Springs Hotel. In 2001 Phillips hosted Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus a national morning talk show. The concept was based on the best-seller by John Gray and set out to explore the innate differences between men and women, in front of a live audience

Sexual Malice 1994 movie Cast

Edward Albert        ...  Richard
Chad McQueen     Chad McQueen     ... David
John Laughlin     John Laughlin     ... Jack
Diana Barton     Diana Barton     ... Christine
Samantha Phillips     Samantha Phillips     ... Nicole
Don Swayze     Don Swayze     ...Curran
Doug Jeffery     Doug Jeffery     ... Quinn
Kathy Shower     Kathy Shower     ... Laura Altman
Matt Roe     Matt Roe     ... William Altman
Richard Tanner     Richard Tanner     ... MC
Karen Salkin     Karen Salkin     ... Janice
Jerry Mathers     Jerry Mathers     ... Sergeant Dun
Rob Dorfmann     Rob Dorfmann     ... Alan
Cole S. McKay     Cole S. McKay     ... First Officer


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