Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) full free download new movie

Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)

 Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) (also known as Ice Age 4: Continental Drift or simply as Ice Age 4) is a 2012 American 3-D computer-animated adventure/comedy film directed by Steve Martino and Mike Thurmeier, starring the voices of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, Queen Latifah, Seann William Scott, Josh Peck, Keke Palmer, Chris Wedge, Peter Dinklage, Jennifer Lopez, Wanda Sykes, Drake and Nicki Minaj.

Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) movie information

Directors: Steve Martino, Mike Thurmeier
Writers: Michael Berg (screenplay), Jason Fuchs (screenplay)
Stars: Ray Romano, Denis Leary and John Leguizamo |
Genres: Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 13 July 2012 (USA)
Runtime: USA: 94 min

Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) movie plot

 As in the previous films, the main protagonists are the mammoth Manny, the sloth Sid, sabre-toothed cat Diego, and, in a parallel storyline, the saber-toothed squirrel Scrat. Scrat's hunt for acorns triggers the break-up of the Pangaea continent into the continents as we know them today. In the meantime, Manny and his wife Ellie deal with their 19-year-old daughter Peaches who has a crush on Ethan. Peaches' best friend, a molehog named Louis, also appears to have a crush on her. When Manny catches Peaches hanging with Ethan after he told her not to, Manny and Peaches have a falling out. Soon after, the breakup of the continent separates Manny from his family. Manny gets stuck on a floating ice raft together with Sid, Diego, and Sid's annoying grandmother Granny. A large moving landmass drives Ellie, Peaches, Crash and Eddie, Louis, Ethan, and a herd of other animals towards a land bridge, where they hope to reunite with Manny.
Meanwhile, Scrat, lost at sea also, finds an acorn-shaped map, which leads to a mysterious acorn-filled island. Scrat decides to follow the map and find the island, but as he begins his journey, he is suddenly captured by a gang of animal pirates on an large ship-shaped iceberg, who are sailing the oceans.
Manny and his friends are captured also by the pirate gang, led by a giant ape named Gutt. Gutt and the pirate gang attempt to persuade Manny to leave family life and join the pirates, but he refuses. Gutt takes this as an insult, and attempts to make the herd walk the plank, but they (along with Scrat, who continues his journey) manage to escape, in the process destroying the pirate ship, and again float on the oceans on a small ice raft. They rescue the female pirate saber-toothed cat Shira, who had been left behind by the pirates. She reluctantly joins the group, though states that the pirates will come back for her. She and Diego slowly begin to fall in love with each other during the adventure.
The group reaches an island and encounters a group of hyraxes, as well as the pirates, who are building a new ice ship elsewhere on the same island. The herd plan to steal the ship and use it to get back home. The next morning, as the herd is preparing their plan, Shira escapes and rejoins the pirates, but gets reprimanded by Gutt instead of being welcomed back, after Gutt realized that she had been with the herd, but had not attacked them. The herd, along with the hyraxes, overtake the new ice ship and, with some help from Shira, who changed her mind after being reprimanded by Gutt, sail away. Gutt, in anger, quickly turns a new iceberg into a ship, propelled by narwhals, and chases Manny's gang, determined to get revenge.
Meanwhile, Peaches has been still hanging with Ethan and a group of teenage mammoths, but after realizing that they don't care about the danger and thinking that being a best friend with a molehog is ridiculous, she leaves them and returns to Louis. When Ellie, Peaches, Louis, Crash and Eddie reach the land bridge, they find it to be destroyed. Meanwhile, Manny, Sid, Granny and Diego encounter sirens, depicted as sharp-toothed creatures who take the shape of loved ones and attempt to lure the sailors. Fortunately, Manny realizes this and manages to steer the ship away from the sirens. Later, Scrat meets a siren, which uses the shape of his former girlfriend from the third film, Scratte, to attempt to lure him. When this fails, the siren takes the shape of an acorn, causing Scrat to run up and hug it. The siren changes back and attacks Scrat, but he gets away.
The next morning, Manny, Sid, Diego and Granny finally reach home, but, much to their horror, find out that Gutt and his pirate gang had beaten them to it and captured Ellie and Peaches. Manny attempts to turn himself in to Gutt in exchange for releasing his family, but Gutt doesn't keep his side of the bargain and prepares to kill the family. However, Louis, Ethan and the teenage mammoths come to rescue, starting a battle, during which Shira rescues Diego, and Granny's presumed imaginary pet Precious, a large sperm whale (a Livyatan melvillei), appears, defeating the pirates. Peaches rescues Manny, but as they are about to escape, Gutt attacks him again. Gutt and Manny engage in a final fight, but Manny manages to defeat him. Manny arrives in time to pick up Ellie and Peaches, who are caught between the moving landmass and the ocean at the location where the land bridge once existed. Meanwhile, Gutt is killed when he ends up being devoured by a siren, taking on the shape of a female of his species. After sailing over the ocean, the herd and all the animals find the hyrax island which they accept as their new home. Manny and Peaches reconcile, Manny finally admits that Sid is not the screw-up after all, but a hero, Diego and Shira become boyfriend and girlfriend, while Louis is finally allowed to still be with Peaches whenever she hangs out with Ethan's gang.
The film ends with Scrat finally reaching the island on the map, Scratlantis (a Scrat version of Atlantis), a floating city filled with other sabre-toothed squirrels and nuts. However, Scrat, due to his nut obsession, grabs many nuts in a frenzy and eventually attempts to grab a giant one blocking a hole. He grabs it, despite the sabre-toothed squirrel leader's warnings, causing the city to sink to the bottom of the ocean, leaving Scrat in the middle of a newly-created land: the desert. Scrat's eyes burn, and he screams in pain and frustration.

Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) movie cast

Ray Romano as Manny[4]
John Leguizamo as Sid[4]
Denis Leary as Diego[4]
Queen Latifah as Ellie[4]
Seann William Scott as Crash[4]
Josh Peck as Eddie[4]
Chris Wedge as Scrat[5]
Karen Disher as Scratte[6]
Keke Palmer as Peaches, Manny and Ellie's teenage daughter[4]
Jennifer Lopez as Shira, a saber-toothed cat (Smilodon) who is part of Gutt's crew but becomes Diego's love interest later.[4]
Peter Dinklage as Captain Gutt,[4] a prehistoric ape (Gigantopithecus) and the main antagonist[7]
Wanda Sykes as Granny, Sid's 80-year-old grandmother[4][8]
Josh Gad as Louis, a molehog and Peaches' best friend, who has a crush on her[5]
Drake as Ethan, a woolly mammoth Peaches has a crush on[4]
Aziz Ansari as Squint, a prehistoric rabbit (Palaeolagus) and part of Gutt's crew[8][9]
Nicki Minaj as Hailey, a woolly mammoth[10]
Ester Dean as Sloth Siren[11]
Rebel Wilson as Raz, an Australian prehistoric kangaroo (Procoptodon) that is part of Gutt's crew[12][8]
Joy Behar as Eunice, Sid's mother[5][13]
Nick Frost as Flynn, a 4000 pound English elephant seal that is part of Gutt's crew[5][8]
Heather Morris as Katie, a woolly mammoth[5][14]
Ally Romano as Meghan, a woolly mammoth
Alan Tudyk as Milton, Sid's father/Fabio Sloth[5]
Kunal Nayyar as Gupta, a Bengali badger and part of Gutt's crew[9]
Alain Chabat as Silas, a Blue-footed Booby from the south of France that is part of Gutt's crew[5][8]
Eddie "Piolín" Sotelo as Fungus, Sid's uncle
Ben Gleib as Marshall, Sid's Brother[15]
Jason Fricchione as Dumb Mammoth/Various/Crab/Announcer
Patrick Stewart as Ariscratle
Christopher Campbell as Creature Siren / Various
George Jacobs as Beaver
Non-speaking characters include:
Boris, a prehistoric Wild Boar (Metridiochoerus) that is part of Gutt's crew
Precious, a Granny's "imaginary" large whale

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